Fire Protection Technology Faculty
Lee Ennis, FIP Program Chair
Office Location: North Campus, Building 400
Phone: 704-216-3466
Lee Ennis served as a member of the Charlotte Fire Department for 26 years, retiring as a Captain in Operations assigned to Engine 8 the last 15 years of his career. Since retiring from the CFD, Ennis has served as the Director of the Emergency Services Training Center at Randolph Community College, as an instructor in the Fire Protection Technology and Emergency Management programs at Coastal Carolina Community College, and as an instructor in the Union County Public School System’s Fire Academy. Ennis holds multiple NCDOI and National Incident Management certifications.
Ennis holds an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Fire Protection Technology from Central Piedmont Community College, Bachelor of Science in Fire Services Administration from Eastern Oregon University, and a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies from UNC-Greensboro.
Shaun Hayes, FIP Instructor
Shaun Hayes is a member of the Jacksonville Fire & Emergency Services. Hayes began his career as a Firefighter Trainee in 2005 and now serves as the Assistant Fire Chief. Hayes has served in various capacities within all divisions of the organization. Hayes recently served as Accreditation Manager for the organization’s 2013-2018 Center for Public Safety Excellence accreditation period, achieving reaccreditation in August 2018. Hayes serves as a peer assessor for the Center of Public Safety Excellence. Hayes has also been employed as a community college continuing education and curriculum instructor since 2014. Hayes holds multiple NCDOI and National Incident Management certifications.
Hayes holds an Associate of Arts Degree from Coastal Carolina Community College, Bachelor of Arts in Education from the University of North Carolina-Wilmington, Bachelor of Science in Fire & Emergency Services Administration from Fayetteville State University, and Master of Public Administration from the University of North Carolina-Pembroke.
Steven Hoyt, FIP Instructor
Steven P. Hoyt has 14 years of Fire Service and Training/Education experience. He has held various positions in volunteer, career, and military fire service organizations. Hoyt’s experience includes time as a shipboard firefighter and crew trainer in the U.S. Navy, as a Fire Inspector for the Charlotte Fire Department, and Fire Protection Technology Instructor at Fayetteville Technical Community College. Hoyt is a certified 3M Scott Fire & Safety Air Products Technician as well as a certified Fire Protection Specialist through NFPA.
Hoyt holds an Associate of Applied Science degree in Fire Protection Technology from Monroe Community College, Bachelor of Science in Fire & Safety Engineering Technology from the University of North Carolina-Charlotte, and a Master of Science in Strategic Leadership from Mountain State University.
Misty Marlowe, HSE Instructor
Dr. Misty Marlowe is a mental health therapist and licensed psychological associate in NC. She began her career treating adolescents with mental health disorders and substance abuse issues and added adults to her client base in 2006. While working with adults, it became apparent that work-related stress played a considerable role in the quality of mental health for many individuals, and she decided to go back to school and complete a PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology to better understand how workplace dynamics impact mental health. Dr. Marlowe began teaching college courses in psychology in 2012 and added stress management courses in 2015.
Dr. Marlowe holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from UNC-Chapel Hill, a Master of Arts in Clinical/Community Psychology from UNC-Charlotte, and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Capella University.
Keith Rogers, FIP Instructor
Keith Rogers has over 35 years of Fire Service and Training/Education experience. He served 30 years as a member of the Charlotte Fire Department, retiring after 16 years as a Battalion Chief in operations and currently serves on the Board of Directors for the West Stanly Fire Department. Rogers has obtained multiple NCDOI and National Incident Management certifications as well as completed the Command & Control series through the National Fire Academy.
Rogers holds an Associate of Applied Science in Fire Protection Technology from Central Piedmont Community College and a Bachelor of Science in Fire Services Administration from Eastern Oregon University.
Charles Vanhoy, FIP Instructor
Charles Vanhoy is a career firefighter with 25 years of experience. He has been a member of both paid and volunteer fire departments and is currently a Captain for the Charlotte Fire Department, assigned at Charlotte Douglas International Airport. He is currently a member of the Charlotte Fire Department’s Aviation Division, USAR Deployment, Swift Water, Critical Incident Management, Peer Support, and Incident Management teams. Vanhoy holds numerous state and federal certifications that are accredited by IFSAC, Pro board, and the National Fire Academy. Vanhoy also holds NCDOI qualifications to instruct NC Firefighter, Airport Firefighter, and Hazardous Materials certification courses.
Vanhoy holds an Associate of Applied Science in Fire Science from Cleveland Community College, Bachelor of Science in Fire Service Management from Fayetteville State University, and a Master of Arts in Emergency & Disaster Management from American Military University. He is also currently enrolled as a student in the Executive Fire Officer program at the National Fire Academy.